Scribbled Line
This is my scribbled line, its a collection of things I find interesting or want to remember. Here you can find a good summary of my world views in the writings I find important and things I just think are neat.
- Clear Line, A more strictly outlined set of views I hold, along with evidence I use to justify them to myself.
- Quotes, A list of quotes I like.
Important things
Writing that permanently altered me
- Kae tempest - A book of traps and lessons this poetry is genuinely probably the biggest driver behind a lot of my world views. Whole thing should be experienced in one session, somewhere outdoors alone and dark, whether that's sat outside a pub at night with a drink or in a forest.
- silly, goofy article about football in the future showed me that you should try to find wonder and whimsy in the everyday and the mundane, and that those things are vital to existing as a human.
- Contrapoints helped me realise how I want to experience love and helped me learn to respect myself, though nowadays I've realised they're a pretty flawed person sometimes
- CJtheX helped me work out how to exist in the moment and just actually feel things (the first of the two linked videos, second is a better summary but came out much later)
- Leon Rosselson showed me that its okay for life to be messy and imperfect, that we don't need a system to solve every problem and helped me understand what people say when they mean property is theft. He's a bit too radical for me sometimes but that's fine. He's 93 now and only has 3000 or so listeners on spotify. I wish more people knew about his music, there's a lot you can take from it that applies to modern politics.
Healthy conversation, thought and debate
The value of other cultures (especially non-scientific, stereotypically "primitive" cultures)
- Against his-story, Against Leviathan! This is possibly the strongest narrative for properly emotionally integrating this point into your world-view, though the book itself is incredibly biased and a bit unhinged. Would recommend chapter 1 or 23 specifically, 23 especially.
- Twitter thread on african architecture
Anti-Growth, Small-Web, Small-Tech
- Factorio hate-post
- The reckless, infinite scope of web browsers
- Fucking webmaster
- Machines of Loving Grace by Reagan Bird - The utter evisceration of one of my core beliefs through empathetic story-telling
The value of community
The merits of open source
- Predator drones run linux
- The sustainability of the commons
- How to kill an decentralised network, a post about how companies purposefully kill off foss software
Less important side notes
Interesting old internet things
Neat Permacomputing/culture things
- Tiny polish farm working on self-automation
- Edge Collective
- Social media for old photos
- Group that writes low power software (
- Solar powered website/blog about eco-tech